.NET程式開發工具 - ALTERNET STUDIO,包含了該公司全系列產品(Code Editor、Form Designer、Scripter),是用來延伸.NET應用程式功能的完整解決方案,可以讓你擁有使用者定義邏輯、自訂使用者介面,提供一系列的元件程式庫,讓你的應用程式使用者可以用C#、Visual Basic、TypeScript、JavaScript程式語言,來增強現有功能或定義新邏輯,使用全功能偵錯引擎執行指令碼偵錯,並且設計視覺化的使用者介面。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/alternet-studio.html
官方網站:AlterNET Software
系統需求:Windows、.NET Framework 4.5.2+、Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019
關鍵字:ALTERNET STUDIO WINFORMS, ALTERNET STUDIO WPF, Extensibility Studio Universal, Extensibility Studio for WinForms, Extensibility Studio for WPF
ALTERNET STUDIO is a complete solution allowing you to extend your .NET application with user-defined logic and custom user intefaces. It provides a set of component libraries that allows users of your applications to write scripts in C#, Visual Basic, TypeScript or JavaScript programming languages to enhance existing or define new logic; run and debug these scripts with a fully-featured debugging engine and design visual user interfaces.