電腦磁碟映像檔備份還原軟體 - R-Drive Image,不用停止Windows系統運作,就能夠迅速建立磁碟映像檔,備份的映像檔可以儲存在任何地方,並且使用各種壓縮方式來節省硬碟空間,除了系統分割區之外,都可以及時將映像檔還原到磁碟分割區,可以建立特殊的開機片(CD/DVD、USB、軟碟),以便用於還原系統磁區,可以將映像檔掛載為虛擬硬碟並取用其中的檔案,還可以將整顆硬碟直接複製到其他硬碟,而不需要花時間去掃描檔案結構。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/r-drive-image.html
R-Drive Image Standalone 單機版 - 永久授權1年更新
R-Drive Image Technician 技術員版 - 永久授權1年更新
R-Drive Image OEM kit (OEM套件) - 永久授權1年更新
R-Drive Image Commercial 商業版 - 永久授權1年更新
官方網站:R-Tools Technology
關鍵字:RDrive Image, rdriveimage, R-Drive Image Standalone, R-Drive Image Technician, R-Drive Image Commercial, R-Drive Image OEM kit
R-Drive Image is unique and powerful drive image software. It creates drive image files on-the-fly, that is, without stopping Windows. Such images may be stored anywhere including various removable media. It compresses image data with variable compression level to save free space. It also restores such images on the disks on-the-fly, except system partitions. R-Drive Image creates special startup disk (a startup CD/DVD disc, USB removable storage device, or 6 floppy disks) to restore system partitions. It connects images as virtual disks to copy only certain files from the images. It also directly copies an entire disk to another - no time spent for file structure scanning.