多視窗免費Ping工具 - vmPing,可以一次Ping多個主機,並且以多視窗顯示在同一個畫面,可以新增刪除主機、動態調整視窗的大小、設定別名,透過顏色編碼讓你對於伺服器狀態一目了然,除了標準的ICMP Ping,還可以使用TCP Port Ping,讓程式持續連接到指定連接埠並顯示其是否開啟,還包含Trace Route、Flood Host功能,以及電子郵件、聲音警示功能。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/vmping.html
官方網站:Ryan Smith
系統需求:Windows(.NET 4.5)
關鍵字:vmPingPortable, vm Ping
vmPing (Visual Multi Ping) is a graphical ping utility for monitoring multiple hosts. Numerous host monitors can be added and removed, and each monitor dynamically resizes with the application window. Color-coding allows you to tell at a glance the status of each host. In addition to standard ICMP pings, you can also perform a TCP 'port ping', where the application continuously connects to a specified port and displays whether or not the port is open. A fast trace route utility and a basic packet generator / stress tester is also included.