硬碟資料抹除工具 - Moo0 Disk Wiper,以系統分割區為抹除對象,將整個磁區的資料徹底刪除,不是格式化就好了嗎?可是就算格式化了,還原軟體還是有可能將檔案還原的,因此,確保機密資料安全,建議使用資料抹除工具。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/moo0-disk-wiper.html
關鍵字:Moo0DiskWiper, Moo0 DiskWiper
Moo0 Disk Wiper lets you easily erase all the recoverable data from the empty space of your disk drive, leaving the existing files untouched. Have you ever sold/disposed your PC, HDD or USB sticks? Are you really sure nobody's recovered your personal data, such as ID, password, personal photos, credit card number and so on, from them, then? Now, you can be relieved from the fear by using this easy program.