免費倒數計時器軟體 - Free Countdown Timer,可以自行設定名稱,設定倒數的時間(例如:倒數15分鐘),或者,設定倒數到特定的日期(例如:倒數跨年),可以設定多組倒數計時器,顯示浮動視窗,聲音提醒、貪睡功能、喚醒電腦、開啟螢幕等功能。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/free-countdown-timer.html
官方網站:Comfort Software Group.
關鍵字:FreeCountdownTimer, FreeCountdownTimerPortable
A free, full-featured and lightweight countdown timer for Windows. Free Countdown Timer is a freeware. This program allows you to set as many countdown timers as you want. Countdown timer tracks the amount of time till the specified event. You can fully concentrate on the task at hand while waiting for a future task to be ready for action. The timer reminds you about event by playing your favorite music and showing a notification message.