
Auto Mail Sender 18.4.109 中文版 - 郵件群發軟體

Auto Mail Sender
Auto Mail Sender
郵件群發軟體 - Auto Mail Sender,可製作郵件範本的自動郵件傳送器,利用SMTP信件外寄功能,可以設定多組帳號寄送郵件,自訂郵件樣式或文字並儲存成範本,設定排程或立即寄送。首次使用須建立SMTP帳號,軟體內建提示與說明。Email的批次寄送,只需將收件者依照提示整理成副檔名CSV、TXT、XLS、XLSX之檔案格式,並匯入該欄位即可達成單次寄送多收件人,另外,也可以同時夾帶寄送多個附件檔。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/auto-mail-sender.html

官方網站:TriSun Software
關鍵字:AutoMailSender, AMSSE, Auto Mail Sender Standard Edition, 大量發信軟體, 電子報發送軟體

Auto Mail Sender Standard Edition (AMSSE) is a powerful and easy-to-use eMail sender & scheduler, you can use it to send eMails automatically at anytime and any frequency as you expect. AMSSE provides all the traditional eMail elements/functions and some distinctive elements/functions such as sending schedule, sending one-by-one, repeat sending, resending if failed, macro supportable and has some built-in macros, folder attachment supportable, SMTP accounts list and automatic selecting the available one, custom sender/read receipt receiver/reply receiver/sending time, using recipients files to send eMail directly, selecting/saving receivers from/to txt/csv/xls(x) files, creating the popular SMTP accounts directly, auto-complete SMTP account settings, and so on.