網管小工具 - eToolz,包含了DNS Lookup、Ping、TraceRoute、Whois等網管主要功能,DNS可以秀出A、PTR、NS、MX、TXT、SOA等項目,自動或手動查詢Whois伺服器、檢查Email帳號的真實性、郵件表頭分析、檢查時間伺服器並校時、透過網頁服務查詢外部IP地址及主機名稱、顯示安裝的可用網路卡及其對應的IPv4資訊、顯示網址的HTTP表頭...等等。(阿榮)(下載)
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
eToolz includes some of the most important network tools like DNS Lookup, Ping, TraceRoute and Whois.
- Includes some of the most important network tools like DNS Lookup, Ping, TraceRoute and Whois.
- The most importatnt DNS entries can be shown (A, PTR, NS, MX, TXT und SOA).
- Automatic or manual query for Whois server incl. automatic redirection.
- Mail addresses can be checked for validity.
- Mail headers can be broken down and the received lines can be checked for plausibility.
- Query and update the system time using various time servers.
- Query the external IP address and the external host name through Web services.
- Display the installed and available network adapters and their corresponding IPv4 statistics.
- Display the HTTP headers for a URL.
- eToolz supports internationalized domain names.
- eToolz is portable and can be used on USB devices.
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