Outlook郵件統計分析軟體 - OutlookStatView,可以掃描Outlook郵件檔,統計你與聯絡人的信件往來資料,包含:寄出給某人的信件數量(分為收件者、副本、密件副本)、收到某人寄來的信件數量、收到某人信件的總大小、對方使用的郵件用戶端軟體、與某人信件往來的時間範圍...等等。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/outlookstatview.html
官方網站:Nir Sofer
OutlookStatView scans your Outlook mailbox, and display a general statistics about the users that you communicate via emails. For each user/email, the following information is displayed: The number of outgoing messages that you sent to the user (separated by to/cc/bcc), the number of incoming message that the user sent to you, the total size of messages sent by the user, the email client software used by this user, and the time range that you send/received emails with the specified user.