Excel合併工具 - Excel Merger Pro,不需要安裝Office或Excel,除了支援標準XLS、XLSX格式之外,還支援CSV、XML,以及LibreOffice的ODS格式,可以把多個Excel檔合併為一個,多個工作表合併為一個,合併各有多個工作表的Excel為一個,指定工作表的合併範圍,指定要進行大量合併的行或列。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/excel-merger.html
關鍵字:ExcelMerger Pro, ExcelMerger
Excel Merger is a handy Excel software tool allows users to merge Excel XLS/XLSX and ODS/CSV/XML Files, Workbooks and Spreadsheets to One File or One Workbook. No Office or MS Excel Required!
- Combine Several Excel Files into One Single Excel File
- Batch Merge Wordbooks & Spreadsheets into One Worksheet
- Combine Multiple Excel Files and Spreadsheets to One Spreadsheet in One Excel File
- Join Parts of all Worksheets by setting a Range
- Merge Table Rows and Columns in Bulk Files
- Support Mixed Merging XLS, XLSX, ODS, CSV and XML Files
- Export to XLS, XLSX, ODS, CSV and XML Formats
- Combine Files & Workbooks in Ultra-fast Mode
- Not Require Office or MS Excel Installed