無檔案惡意程式查殺軟體 - UnHackMe,CPU經常跑滿100%嗎?那有可能是中了無檔案式的病毒,這種惡意程式不會建立或修改檔案,可以躲過防毒軟體的偵測。UnHackMe不是防毒軟體,可以彌補防毒軟體之不足,深層掃描藏在登錄檔、Windows管理規範、捷徑、排程工作、網址中的非檔案式惡意程式,並且進行修復。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/unhackme.html
官方網站:Greatis Software
關鍵字:Un Hack Me, UnHackMePortable, UnHackMe Portable
UnHackMe is really best at fixing the issues, which antivirus programs do not. Modern virus creators use FILELESS MALWARE. Fileless viruses do not create or change your files. They live in the Windows registry, WMI, shortcuts, and scheduled tasks. Sometimes virus is just the URL of a malicious web site. Antiviruses are good at fixing viruses in files, but they can not help detect or fix Fileless malware.