利用USB開機並轉移作業系統 - FlashBoot Pro,買了新電腦或新硬碟,想要將程式、設定、文件、遊戲等資料一併轉移是件很麻煩的事,而這個軟體可以幫你用USB完成這個複雜的工作,它甚至可以幫你轉移到不同的硬體設備上,因為它內建多種驅動程式,而你也可以把它當成是備份工具,將電腦完整備份在USB,若電腦中毒或出問題時可用於電腦還原。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/flashboot.html
官方網站:PrimeExpert Software
關鍵字:FlashBoot Pro, Flash Boot
FlashBoot is a tool which can save your time. Create an installable clone of Windows 7/8.x/10 (including all your apps and data) on the USB thumbdrive/HDD and instantly transfer your entire OS to another computer, even with dissimilar hardware: FlashBoot supports driver integration and comes with a large set of prepackaged drivers. In the case of next ransomware virus attack, loss/theft of laptop, hard drive failure or Windows Update failure, you can have a safely-stored copy of your entire OS and all programs, and restore it in no time!