2D及3D工業製圖軟體 - CorelCAD,經濟實惠的CAD軟體,專門為了需要高精準度的建築、工程、建設 (AEC) 、製造業而設計,支援 .DWG、.STL、.PDF 和 .CDR* 業界標準檔案格式,讓你將視覺化設計轉換為實際成品,並且有CorelCAD Mobile手機版應用程式,可以透過手機檢視、標註、編輯圖檔。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/corelcad.html
官方網站:Corel Corporation
系統需求:Windows 11/10、macOS
關鍵字:Corel CAD
Achieve outstanding results with CorelCAD, an affordable collection of powerful 2D drafting and 3D design tools, purpose-built for architecture, engineering, construction (AEC) and manufacturing professionals who demand precision. Turn visualization into realization on Windows and macOS, thanks to native .DWG file support for efficient collaboration and .STL support for productive 3D publishing.