顯示卡跑分軟體 - 3D.Benchmark.OK,完全免費、羽量級體積的顯示卡評測軟體,按下評測(Start benchmark)按鈕後會跑65秒的3D動畫測試,跑完之後會顯示平均影格率(Last average FPS),以此數據為評分標準(數字越大越好),另外,還可以開啟自動展示模式(Start autopilot),以肉眼檢視跑3D動畫時是否有抖動或殘影。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/3dbenchmarkok.html
官方網站:Nenad Hrg
關鍵字:3DBenchmarkOK, 3DBenchmark OK, 3DBenchmarkOKPortable
The 3D.Benchmark.OK is a small but nice 3D benchmark for all Microsoft Windows operating systems! Even as a small 3D.Benchmark.OK it is still an effective 3D benchmark, with which you can test the graphics card well, a benchmark does not have to be very large or ugly to test and load your graphics card!