
[正版購買] EaseUS OS2Go 4.0.3 免安裝中文版 - 可攜式免安裝版Widnows系統USB製作軟體

EaseUS OS2Go
EaseUS OS2Go
可攜式免安裝版Widnows系統USB製作軟體 - EaseUS OS2Go,可以從目前使用中的電腦製作可攜式系統、從網路下載ISO檔製作可攜式系統(支援多國語言及UFI或MBR啟動)、建立Windows安裝開機碟,輕鬆製作「Windows To Go」USB隨身碟,出差不用帶電腦,可以於Mac電腦插入USB使用Windows,也可以用於電腦救援。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/easeus-os2go.html


系統需求:Windows 11-7(32及64位元)
關鍵字:EaseUSOS2Go, EaseUS OStoGo, EaseUS OS2Go Professional, EaseUS OS2Go Technician

If you frequently travel and need a computer, but you don't want to pay for the extra weight. You can solve it by putting Windows on a USB drive. If you have access to a display, a keyboard, and a mouse, you can stay productive wherever you are. Besides, a portable Windows will significantly benefit you when the computer suffers from a boot failure. With portable Windows available, you can boot the computer successfully and then rescue your files.
- Make portable Windows 10/11 on USB.
- Create a bootable Windows USB for Mac use.
- Create a Portable Windows To Go USB Drive with simple clicks!

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