DWF轉DWG的軟體 - Any DWF to DWG Converter,讓你不需要AutoCAD,就能輕易又快速的將DWF(Design Web Format)檔轉換為AutoCAD DWG或DXF檔,提供批量轉換功能,可一次轉換無限數量的DWF檔案,支援AutoCAD輸出的所有DWF實體類型,包括圓弧、橢圓弧、橢圓、True Type字體等,支援DWF多頁規格,可恢復DWF中的圖層,渲染整個DWF頁面,亦可從DWF檔案中提取嵌入圖像,輸出AutoCAD R2.5至AutoCAD 2023版本的DWG/DXF檔。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/any-dwf-to-dwg-converter.html
官方網站:AnyDWG Software, Inc.
關鍵字:AnyDWFtoDWGConverter, dwf to dwg
Any DWF to DWG Converter allows you to convert DWF (Design Web Format) files to AutoCAD DWG and DXF file formats, so you can recover DWF entities to corresponding DWG entities easily.
- Convert DWF to DWG and DWF to DXF quickly and accurately.
- Supports all DWF entity types exported by AutoCAD, including arcs, elliptical arcs, ellipses, true type fonts and etc.
- Outputs AutoCAD R2.5 - AutoCAD 2023 DWG/DXF files.
- Supports the DWF multi-page specification.
- Restores the layers in DWF, renders entire DWF pages.
- Extracts embedded Images from the DWF file.
- Batch conversion ability allows you to convert an unlimited number of DWF files at a time.
- It is a standalone program, AutoCAD not required.
- Simple to use.