
[正版購買] Any DWG DXF Converter 2023 - DWG轉DXF、DXF轉DWG的軟體

Any DWG DXF Converter
Any DWG DXF Converter
DWG轉DXF、DXF轉DWG的軟體 - Any DWG DXF Converter,是DWG、DXF檔的雙向轉換工具,它不需要AutoCAD就能夠獨立運作,一次大量的將DWG轉換為DXF檔或DXF轉換為DWG檔,高效率且容易操作,支援所有版本的DWG/DXF檔案,輸出DWG、ASCII DXF和二進制DXF檔,也是DWG/DXF檔案版本轉換器,輸出AutoCAD R2.5至AutoCAD 2023版本的DWG/DXF檔。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/any-dwg-dxf-converter.html


官方網站:AnyDWG Software, Inc.
關鍵字:AnyDWGDXFConverter, Any DWG DXF Converter Pro

Any DWG DXF Converter is batch DWG and DXF bi-directional converter and file version converter, it allows you to batch convert DWG to DXF and DXF to DWG without the need of AutoCAD.
- Stand-alone utility - AutoCAD NOT required.
- Converts DWG to DXF, and DXF to DWG in batches.
- Outputs DWG, ASCII DXF and Binary DXF.
- It is also a DWG/DXF file version converter, it outputs AutoCAD R2.5 - AutoCAD 2023 DWG/DXF files.
- Supports all versions of DWG/DXF file.
- High performance and simple to use.

Any DWG DXF Converter 授權說明表