檔案文字內容比對軟體 - SoftInterface Diff Doc,可以比對PDF及Office文件,Word(doc)、Excel(xls)、PowerPoint(ppt)、Text、RTF、HTML、XML等檔案,將所有不同的地方都列出來,可以選取指定的區塊進行比對,支援自動化的指令模式執行,將比對結果產出為多種格式的報告檔(DOC、HTML、純文字)。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/softinterface-diff-doc.html
官方網站:SoftInterface, Inc.
關鍵字:diffdoc, 'Diff Doc' Standard, 'Diff Doc' Professional
SoftInterface Diff Doc - Compare Word/Excel/PowerPoint, PDF, Text, RTF and HTML.
- Comprehensive document comparison. Compare files of all types PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, RTF, TXT, HTM, XML. Retains document formatting.
- Edit the documents within this application and refresh manually.
- Comparisons are quick and easy. Easily navigate differences.
- Compares text from any application.
- Paragraph differences are highly detailed. Customize the red-lining.
- Both Side By Side and All In One views are supported.
- Run it from the command line for automation.
- The best document comparison tool you've never used...till today!