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PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK 9.3.361 - 軟體開發套件

PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK
PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK
PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK - Allows developers the ability to view/print PDF files within a window embedded in their software application. The Editor Simple SDK provides the developer with a set of functions to create a means to View/Print PDF files within a window embedded in their software application. Both the GUI design and means of employing the provided functionality is very much left in the developer's hands and no Tracker branding is visible within the Developer's product. And is also included in the PDF-XChange Editor SDK and Core API SDK.

PDF-XChange Core API SDK 9.3.361 - 軟體開發套件

PDF-XChange Core API SDK
PDF-XChange Core API SDK
Provides developers with libraries and API for the creation and manipulation of fully native, Adobe®-compatible PDF files including Programmatic Digital Signing and Adobe Compatible Fillable Forms creation. Also included in the PDF-XChange Editor SDK and PDF-XChange Pro SDK.

PDF-XChange Editor SDK 9.3.361 - PDF編輯器功能客製化開發套件

PDF-XChange Editor SDK
PDF-XChange Editor SDK
PDF編輯器功能客製化開發套件 - PDF-XChange Editor SDK,內建最新版「PDF-XChange Editor」功能,專供微軟作業系統軟體開發者使用,可以客製化專屬的PDF檔製作編輯產出軟體,再提供給客戶已授權的版本,透過此開發套件能夠輕鬆開發出具有多樣化功能的PDF工具,諸如:PDF檔的建立、編輯、搜尋、閱讀、列印、匯入、匯出等功能,利用您喜歡的程式設計環境搭配此SDK,就能夠快速設計出客製化的PDF編輯軟體,能夠輕鬆檢視或編輯PDF檔、新建PDF檔、支援數位簽章,甚至研發Editor專屬外掛!(阿榮



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