
[正版購買] Synchredible 8.301 - 資料夾同步備份軟體

Synchredible Pro
Synchredible Pro
資料夾同步備份軟體 - Synchredible,讓你輕鬆地同步與備份檔案、資料夾和磁碟機,除了將A複製到B,還可以執行雙向同步,它會自動檢測變動處並進行同步,可以設定跳過未更改的檔案以加速檢測,適用於本地同步,也可用於同步網路和USB隨身碟上的資料夾。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/synchredible.html

官方網站:ASCOMP Software GmbH
關鍵字:Synchredible Professional, Synchredible Pro 專業版

Synchredible: Synchronize, copy and back up your data. Our technology, which has been tried and tested for many years, not only makes it possible to copy from A to B - Synchredible also performs two-sided synchronizations. It automatically detects changes and synchronizes the last edited file safely and reliably! Thanks to the sophisticated technology for recognizing identical files, Synchredible saves valuable time; unchanged files can be skipped on request and thus also extensive data sets can be compared within a few seconds!

Synchredible Pro