Windows 10/11隱私設定調整工具 - W10Privacy,在Windows當中有許多關於個人隱私的設定,像是禁止微軟利用本系統進行實驗、禁止記錄行為的時間線、拒絕記錄應用程式的開啟...等等,微軟大方的允許大家調整設定,但是往往讓一般人很難找到設定的介面,透過本軟體,你只要勾選希望禁止的項目並儲存,即可調整許多隱私設定。開啟程式時,記得使用右鍵開啟主程式,並選擇「以系統管理員身分執行」,才能順利執行設定的更改。(阿榮福利味)
官方網站:Bernd Schuster
系統需求:Windows 10/11
關鍵字:W10PrivacyPortable, W10 Privacy
W10Privacy - Privacy made easy. The by default highly questionable set options concerning privacy and data protection in Windows 10 brought me to the idea to develop this program. Microsoft generously enables everybody to change the concerning settings, but hides them in countless menus, where a normal user does not want to search for! The program should therefore be a help, to display the available settings relatively clearly and to set the desired options if necessary.