具有中控管理功能的備份軟體 - EaseUS Backup Center(簡稱:EBC),簡單講就是「EaseUS Todo Backup」的中控版,透過這個易於操作的控制中心,讓你有效的管理複雜的備份環境,輕鬆將備份任務分配到多台終端電腦,能夠輕易地執行和監控所有系統上的備份,利用「新增任務」功能,可以設定排程定時備份,透過「回報系統」設定定期傳送報告,以便監控作業,控制台使用統一的備份調動與流程,來保護你的商業資料。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/easeus-backup-center.html
EaseUS Backup Center for Workstation 工作站版 - 支援Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP電腦。
EaseUS Backup Center for Server 伺服器版 - 支援Windows Server電腦。
EaseUS Backup Center for Advanced Server 進階伺服器版 - 支援含MS SQL/Exchange的Windows Server電腦。
EaseUS Backup Center Technician 技術員版 - 支援以上所有類型的電腦。
關鍵字:EaseUS BackupCenter, EaseUSBackupCenter,ebc
EaseUS Backup Center – the centralized backup management solution helps to deploy backup tasks to multiple terminal machines from one console, run and monitor backups on all systems easily. How to Realize Central Management? Three roles are involved in the central management system - Server side, Console side and Client side. Through a network connection in Server side, it combines all backup clients with the management console, where IT admin can access to any backup on client machines anytime.