PDF檔壓縮軟體 - PDF Compressor Server PRO,能快速地壓縮PDF檔案,減少檔案的體積,此外,還有許多搭配的功能,例如:自動監控資料夾、可選擇將舊的PDF檔案刪除或是移到其他資料夾、搜尋受監控資料夾的子檔案、監測區域網路內的多個網路共用資料夾、可自訂DPI與壓縮品質,支援文字PDF與掃描PDF檔案。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/pdf-compressor-server.html
關鍵字:PDF Compressor Server, PDFCompressorServer
PDF Compressor Server is a Windows application that can monitor one or more folders for newly added PDF files and compress them into smaller PDF files in LAN (Local Area Network).
- Automatically monitor folders & compress PDF files in them instantly
- Support both scanned PDF and text PDF files
- Monitor multiple network shared folders in LAN
- Option to delete original PDF files or move to new location
- Search sub-folders of monitored folders
- Create same folder names in output folder
- Customize suffix of compressed output PDF file names
- Customize DPI and compressing quality ratio
- Pause and resume the monitoring process
- Option to customize the output folder location