
PropertySystemView 1.21 免安裝中文版 - 電腦檔案屬性修改器

電腦檔案屬性修改器 - PropertySystemView,利用Windows作業系統的屬性系統,透過圖形界面或命令列來檢視或修改檔案屬性,支援MP3音樂檔、JPG檔EXIF、Office檔案、多媒體檔案或其他檔案,可以修改作者、標題、註解、標籤、建立日期、存取日期、匯入日期、拍攝日期...等等非常廣泛的屬性資料。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/propertysystemview.html

官方網站:Nir Sofer
關鍵字:PropertySystemViewPortable, Property System View

PropertySystemView is a tool that allows you view and modify the properties of file from GUI and command-line, using the property system of Windows operating system. For example, you can change the 'Media Created' timestamp stored in .mp4 files (System.Media.DateEncoded) as well as other metadata stored in media files and office documents, like Title, Comments, Authors, Tags, Date Acquired, Last Saved Date, Content Created Date, Date Imported, Date Taken (EXIF of .jpg files), and more... PropertySystemView also allows you to set properties of Windows. For example, you can set the System.AppUserModel.ID property of a window in order to disable the taskbar grouping of the specified window.