
Double Commander 1.1.22 免安裝中文版 - 雙視窗支援多分頁的檔案總管取代軟體

Double Commander
Double Commander
雙視窗支援多分頁的檔案總管取代軟體 - Double Commander,支援萬國碼(Unicode)、自訂欄位、重新命名工具,內建檔案檢視器(按F3)可以查看十六進位、二進位或文字格式的檔案,內建具有語法突顯功能的程式碼編輯器(按F4),可以從壓縮檔中直接存取檔案(支援:ZIP、TAR、GZ、BZ2、XZ、ZST、LZMA、7Z、RPM、CPIO、DEB、RAR、ZIPX),支援「Total Commander」 WCX、WDX、WFX、WLX外掛,支援FTP、FTPS、FTPES、SSH+SCP、SFTP協定。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/double-commander.html

官方網站:Double Commander
關鍵字:DoubleCommander, DoubleCommanderPortable

Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side.
- Unicode support
- Tabbed interface
- Multi-rename tool
- Custom columns
- Built in file viewer (F3) to view files of in hex, binary or text format
- Internal text editor (F4) with syntax hightlighting
- Archives are handled like subdirectories. You can easily copy files to and from archives. Supported archive types: ZIP, TAR, GZ, BZ2, XZ, ZST, LZMA, 7Z and also RPM, CPIO, DEB, RAR, ZIPX
- Most operations working in background
- Extended search function with full text search in any files
- Configurable button bar to start external programs or internal menu commands
- Total Commander WCX, WDX, WFX and WLX plug-ins support
- FTP, FTPS, FTPES, SSH+SCP and SFTP protocols support