
[正版購買] Database Tour Pro - 多功能通用型資料庫工具軟體

Database Tour Pro
Database Tour Pro
多功能通用型資料庫工具軟體 - Database Tour Pro,強大的資料匯出能力,例如:SQLite到Firebird、PostgreSQL到Oracle、Interbase到SQL Server,多重SQL查詢視窗,支援資料庫查詢參數和巨集,強大的資料庫報表產生工具(專業版),支援指令操作功能(專業版),支援主要資料庫類型,例如:ODBC、SQL Server、Access、Oracle、PostgreSQL、SQLite、Firebird、Interbase、Excel、Visual FoxPro、dBase、Paradox、CSV、MySQL、DB2、SQL Anywhere。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/database-tour-pro.html

★版本比較:專業版(Pro)比標準版多了指令操作功能(Command Line)及資料庫報表功能(Database reporting functionality)。

官方網站:Vitalii Levchenko Software
關鍵字:DatabaseTour Pro, DatabaseTourPro, Database Tour Standard

Database Tour is a universal database tool for Windows. And Database Tour Pro adds command line and database reporting functionality.
- Support for all major database types like ODBC, SQL Server, Access, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, Interbase, Excel, Visual FoxPro, dBase, Paradox, CSV, MySQL, DB2, SQL Anywhere etc.
- Highly customizable export output to Excel, HTML, SQL script, DBF, CSV, and more.
- Copying data from database to database, for example, SQLite to Firebird, PostgreSQL to Oracle, Interbase to SQL Server etc.
- Multiple SQL query windows with separate transactions. Navigating through the query history and collecting SQL execution statistics for each database query window.

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