電腦螢幕亮度調整軟體 - Brightness.Manager.OK,可以快速控制調整電腦螢幕亮度、RGB顏色值,解決Windows 10/11無法調整螢幕亮度及色彩的問題,設定「在程式啟動時還原」、「隨Windows開機時啟動」。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/brightnessmanagerok.html
官方網站:Nenad Hrg
關鍵字:BrightnessManagerOKPortable, brightnessmanagerok
The tool can be set in such a way that it uses the values you have set when the program starts and that it starts automatically with Windows when you log in. You can adjust the screen brightness with the main controller, with older monitors that have a red, blue, green, yellow tinge. This allows the screen brightness to be individually adjusted in the RGB color space by changing the RGB values.