
[正版購買] Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder - 刪除重複照片的軟體

Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder
Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder
刪除重複照片的軟體 - Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder,可以尋找Windows電腦中重複與相似的圖片,運用先進的人工智慧演算法,於資料夾、電腦、硬碟、Adobe Lightroom,以及整個網路中,找到重複和相似的照片,即便圖片經過編輯、調色、旋轉,或添加浮水印,也可精準識別,能夠以百分比選擇掃描照片的相似度,還能自動標記分辨率較低,或尺寸較小的圖片,讓你輕鬆刪除相同、相似的照片,節省硬碟空間,支援多種流行的圖片格式(JPEG、PNG、GIF、RAW等)與命令列。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/visual-similarity-duplicate-image-finder.html

官方網站:MindGems Inc.

With this duplicate photo finder you can find duplicate photos and similar images by visual similarity comparing image content. Duplicate Image Finder "looks" at your photos to find similarities. Find look-alike and duplicate images in a folder, computer, network, or find duplicates in Adobe Lightroom. Organize photos by eliminating useless repeating pictures - save valuable disk space. Identify similar and duplicate photos even if they are edited, rotated, flipped, or color-corrected and stored in different file formats.
- Find duplicate photos everywhere - search for duplicate images in folders, hard drives, USB drives, computers, NAS, or entire networks.
- Find similar images - true AI image analysis algorithms that will find akin photos across different image formats. Option to adjust image similarity precisely in percentage.
- Find edited pictures - Identity rotated at 90°, 180°, 270°, flipped horizontally and/or vertically, grayscaled, skewed, watermarked, and added borders photos.
- Find Lightroom duplicates - scan Adobe Lightroom Classic Catalogs LRCAT files.
- Supports 340 popular image file formats and RAW camera images. The more image formats a tool supports the more cloned pictures it can identify.
- Internal CACHE - keeps information for the previously scanned images. That dramatically improves performance for subsequent scans when you add new photos to your picture library.
- Command line options - automate your workflow or integrate our tool into your system or website.
- An intuitive user interface, Native support for 64-bit and 32-bit operating systems, and rich documentation.

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